Old Photos

As you dig through your photo albums, clean out cabins, or find interesting Caribou Lake history, please send it to Carrie Romundstad at cromundstad@cariboulake.org. We want to preserve the history and fun that went in building the lake as we know it!

Sunny Lane:

Christian Romundstad (Tom Romundstad’s grandfather) next to his hand-cut cords of wood taken on Sunny Lane in the 1920’s-30’s.

Sunny Lane friends and family gathering in the 1920’s-30’s. (Tom Romundstad submission)

Caribou Lake Fun:

Picture of picture at Pike Lake Super One. This guy was affectionately known as “Madman Mitmoen” back then and the plans for these watercraft used to be in Popular Mechanics.

First sailboat on Caribou Lake. Oscar Romundstad and his brothers Al, Ade, and Roy built the boat using trees and sheets of an old boat wrapped in canvas to slow leaks. (1920s-30s)

Caribou Lake Classics:

No descriptions available. Please send information if any known history exists on these classic photos.


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