Situation as we know it

Our great country is experiencing very difficult times with a lot of unknown laying ahead. American people has proved to be an adventurous, strong and capable nation through out the centuries. There is no doubt that we will prevail in this battle with coronavirus epidemic though sacrifices could be great.

Caribou Lake Association is planning to have summer weed harvesting season as long as it would be permitted by county (DNR) and state (governor) authorities due to “stay at home” order. Association has valid  DNR permit from 6/10/20 through 9/1/20.

Situation is being monitored daily and as of now we cannot predict with certainty what happens in our country, state, county in two weeks, let alone two months in relation to coronavirus epidemic spread.

Newsletter will be mailed as usual around middle of May 2020. As a precaution against spread of infection CLA officers opted out of having a physical annual meeting; we are planning to have a virtual one, which our web administrator Jeff Charnes will help to launch.

While safety and observance of the “stay at home” governor’s order is very important we should not forget about our neighbors who might need help with grocery shopping, etc.. Numerous examples of goodwill and kindness toward each other has been already displayed by association members and we are sure this trend will continue.

At the conclusion please refer to the Research link, which is actually PDF file, courtesy of medRxiv; you will find how long virus could survive on different surfaces, at what temperature, etc. All values are given in Metric System.


Stay safe and healthy!

CLA officers.






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